DOB March 1, 1993
Missing since 10/13/2016
White male
6'1 185 pounds
Brown hair (may also be bald)
Hazel eyes
Jesse was last seen just before his 6:30 pm break at work. He worked at W & G Marketing in Jewell, IA. He told his supervisor that he had to leave to get his medicine but did not return to work. Two days later his roommate notified his dad that he had not come home. Jesse's dad put a public post on Facebook asking if anyone had seen Jesse. The following morning his truck was spotted on Canyon Road in Ledges State Park. The keys were in the ignition and the doors were unlocked but there was no sign of Jesse. Search dogs were brought in and were unable to locate a scent.
If you have any information, please call the Boone County Sheriff's Office (515) 433-4786.
